(All tracks lead to) Kirkmichael
The routes covered a total of 95Kms (59miles) and followedancient drove roads and rights of way. At one time the village hosted animportant cattle market (or tryst) located as it is between highland andlowland Scotland, many drove roads from the north, west and south converged onKirkmichael.
Scotways (formally the Scottish Rights of Way Society) iscurrently preparing the 6th Edition of its well-known ‘Scottish HillTracks guide book’ and has asked supporters to help with the necessary surveywork. BDHC wished to help with the effort and elected to survey the drove roadsthat served Kirkmichael. The resulting survey reports will be forwarded toScotways.
The walks attracted a very good turn out of 25 members andguests, three of whom walked the longest of the tracks from Alyth, animpressive 32Kms (20miles).
Everyone involved enjoyed the day, the weather was kind, warmbut fortunately missing the recent heat wave by a day.
There was wildlife aplenty, possible sighting of a perchedosprey, pippets, wheatears, yellow hammers, dragonflies & damselflies,large ant hill, frogs and toads, fallow deer. Also spotted was a pearl borderedfritillary butterfly and an impressive large hawk moth caterpillar.
Three members on the C Walk even enjoyed a dip in LochCharles.