Beinn Bhreac/Glen Derry

What a day! Wall to wall sunshine most of the time and superb views in every direction. The club enjoyed another good turn-out including some welcome guests. Plastered in sun cream and with sprayed ed on Smidge just in case, two parties were dropped off the coach, one at Victoria Bridge (Mar Lodge) and the other in the Linn of Dee car park.
There were twin objectives, the A Party were heading for the Munro Beinn Bhreac from Glen Derry via Glen Lui, the other for Glen Quoich via the Linn of Quoich and the Punch Bowl.
The sun cream was very necessary but the midgie repellent not, a combination of hot sun and a breeze kept them away.
The A party left the glen floor a couple of Kms north of Derry Lodge and up the long ridge to Craig Derry then SE to their objective (1157mtrs) The return route was by heading SW back to Glen Derry from the summit then to follow the outward route.
The other party enjoyed views of the Punch Bowl and nearby waterfalls before heading up Glen Quioch turning left to Clais Fhearnaig. There,three of the party enjoyed a shallow swim, with thousands of tadpoles for company. The path was followed over to Glen Lui where the group met up withsome of the returning A Party. It was then a short walk through the woods back to the Linn of Dee car park.
The coach stopped in Braemar to allow all the walkers to enjoy some well-earned refreshments before heading back home.
The next walk is to Bynack More in the northern Cairngorms on Sunday 25th June. For details of this walk and to learn all aboutthe club, please visit the website –
The photo shows the A Party en route to their hill.