Loch Leven

On Sunday, 5th September, Club members travelled to Loch Leven for a Low level circular route around the Loch. The walk started at the RSPB centre, Vane Farm, and followed a Clockwise circuit around the Loch. The weather on the day was bright and warm with little or no breeze making for flat calm conditions on the loch.
Loch Leven, the largest of Scotland's Lowland freshwater lochs is a haven for wildlife and has an amazing range of plants around the 20km circuit. A lot of the path is surrounded by a mix of wet grasslands, raised bogs, and willow and reed beds. The area forms a National Nature Reserve and is managed by NatureScot and RSPB.
The path was busy with a variety of cyclists, runners, goggers and walkers, but there was ample room, on the well constructed path for all users. There were numerous sightings of many species of birds, but of note was the early arrival of a flock of Barnacle Geese grazing on an adjacent stubble field and a smaller flock of Greylag Geese close by.
At the end of the walk, members joined together for a welcome coffee from the temporary RSPB Coffee Cabin before the homeward journey.