Meall Glas, Glen Dochart, Sunday 1st September 2024

Walk report – Meall Glas, Glen Dochart, Sunday 1st September 2024 The coach left Blairgowrie at 7.30am and after a pick up on Crieff Road in Perth headed up the A85 to Lochearnhead where the C route group were to start their walk.
The coach took to the remainder to their start close to Auchessan on the A85, a few Kms west of Killin. This group of eight walkers set off north and climbed Meall Glas, a Munro at 959 m. There they split, the smaller group (A2) headed SW to climb the Corbett, Beinn nan Imerian (849 m). From that peak they made their way back to the start point, the going underfoot being rough and largely lacking in paths.
After reaching the summit of Meall Glas the A Group followed their route along to Beinn Cheathaich then down to the bealach and east up the flank of Meall a Churian, from its summit they walked the ridge to their second Munro, Sgiath Chuil (921 m). From there to Sgiath Chrom and a very wet, and in places, slippy treck back down towards the start point.
The mountain weather forecast had been largely accurate, all the high-level walking had been in cloud with blustery winds on the tops.
In contrast the C Group enjoyed largely fine weather for their walk along the old railway track (path) from Lochearnhead above Glen Ogle, then on following very good forestry tracks down to Killin. The group met a number of other walkers, several from overseas, as well as a good number of cyclists. There was little in the way of wildlife other than an inquisitive feral goat at the side of the path. Plenty of interesting flora was noted to balance the lack of feather and fir.
On reaching the well-used car park at the top of the glen the walkers noted various emergency vehicles parked. They learned that the day marked the 30th anniversary of a crash involving an RAF Tornado just above the car park in which both the crew members perished. Sept 1st 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of the tragedy and the ceremony taking place was very well attended by local dignitaries, family members and emergency service personnel.
In view of the significant walk time difference between the A & C routes, whilst the A walkers were still toiling, the latter enjoyed time by the Falls of Dochart and had time to enjoy lots of cake and coffee/tea/beer in various Killin establishments.