Rannoch 20th July 2024


Originally planned as an arduous day walking from Rannoch Station to the Glencoe Ski Centre the A & B routes had to be modified firstly due to ScotRail issues and later due to forecasts of rain and thunder on the high ground. On the day, our coach broke down soon after leaving Blair, this underlined the fact that it was to be ‘one of those days’.  Our Meet Secretary did a brilliant job seamlessly shifting from plan A to B to C and then to D over the days prior to the trip! The coach company quickly sent a replacement vehicle and the walkers were soon on their way to the A82 and north.

The A&B groups combined and set out from Victoria Bridge just south of Loch Tulla. The walkers set off on the West Highland Way to walk northwards towards Glencoe. Certainly, a scenic walk, with grand views of the Black Mount mountains of Creise and Meall a’ Bhuiridh and across Rannoch moor.

  They quickly picked up the trail on one of Telford’s Parliamentary roads - a road commissioned in 1803 to build new bridges and roads in the Highlands. This road was in use as the main public road until 1933 and is still in surprisingly good condition. The Ba bridge being a fine example of one of the original bridges spanning the fast-flowing river Ba and near the ruins of Ba cottage.

Although they did not see many birds or animals there were still good examples of moorland flora with vivid bell heather, bog asphodel and blaeberries beside the route and several heath spotted orchids. This party met various groups of walkers, many from overseas, sampling the delights of Scotland’s first and still very popular, long-distance route. After the river Ba, the route climbs gently to reach the highest part of this section of the route with extensive views of Rannoch Moor and, as they descended to towards Kingshouse and the Glencoe ski centre, they were rewarded with views of Buachaille Etive Mor.

The C party were dropped off at the Glencoe Ski Centre and after a quick coffee at the excellent café took the easy way up to the Eagle’s Nest (680m) via the chair lift. There the group split.

Three of the party followed the planned C route, they turned NW and climbed up a track to the viewpoint at Creag Dhubh 748ms. Although slightly murky, extended views across the whole of Rannoch Moor to Schiehallion were enjoyed. This group then returned to the top of the chairlift and followed the Weasel Trail eastwards. Although marked on the OS map and on a walking map published on the Ski resort website, this was not easy to follow on the ground as it was generally very boggy, however by keeping in the right direction the group eventually met up with the Old Military Road. Instead of walking further east to meet up with the WHW as planned it was decided to turn west back to the Ski Resort on this old interesting route which was much easier to follow than the Weasel Trail had been. 

The second and larger group climbed the Munro, Meall a Bhuiridh (1108ms) following the line of the various ski tows, then climbing the remaining tens of metres to the summit. A raven was there to greet the first walker! The 360-degree views from its rocky summit were outstanding. This group then retraced its steps back to the car park to join the rest of the walkers and waiting coach.

A final stop at the Tyndrum Hotel for a welcome meal was made, where the walkers we made very welcome. A fitting end to what had been a very enjoyable day, even the weather stayed fine.