Walk report – Glen Moy. Sunday 29th January 2024

The club’s second outing of the year proved to be a popular one with 23 walkers, including four guests, turning out. As this walk was to a local area transport was had been arranged by car. In view of the recent bad weather two of the members had checked out the access to Glen Moy a few days beforehand.
The club was grateful that they had because the road had been closed due to water damage, the walking routes were changed with a revised start at Gella car park in Glen Clova.
The A (and largest) group first climbed The Aud, then onto the summit of Manywee (685m) after walking over the Tops of Fichell. From Manywee the group dropped down into Glen Moy and after crossing the West Burn of Glenmoye passed the Shank and Glenmoy Farm finally turning west onto a track that eventually joined the outward path back to Gella.
In view of the fact that the weather was holding with the hills sometimes cloud free the other walkers had agreed to stay higher that the original c route had suggested. They split into two groups, the smaller of which had decided on a longer walk that took them into Glen Moy via the high ground between Manywee and Craigthran and past many abandoned cottages, one of which had been inhabited or at least used in fairly recent times.
The other group had decided on a shorter walk, passing over the Aud before contouring around the glen to its east, over Craigthran then dropping back into the glen, crossing the burn and eventually re-joining the outward path and back to the cars.
The weather had remained dry, the wind, as forecast, became stronger with height. Views were reasonable if hazy, wildlife was sparse but what was observed was varied and even exciting. The stand out had to be a lone stoat in its winter coat of pure white with a black tipped tail. Also seen was a large herd of deer, several sightings of red kites, ravens, grouse and skeins of geese.
The final gathering place was Thrums Hotel in Kirriemuir where the walkers were made very welcome and enjoyed good craic and refreshments.