Weather causes route diversion to Falkland Estate!

The planned walk to Bynack More in the northern Cairngorms had had to be abandoned, a double whammy had conspired against the organisers. Firstly,an unprecedented transport issue closely followed by a mountain weatherforecast that suggested very high wind speeds on summits and more worryingly the likelihood of thunder storms and lightening. Under the circumstances, the walk organiser took the sensible decision to find a more local walk, to the Lomond Hills by car.
Sixteen members set off from the Falkland Estate car park at the Pillars of Hercules and made their way along the recently re-opened path through the beautiful Maspie Den. The weather was forecast to be fair until early afternoon, and so it proved.
The group walked to the car park between the two Lomond hills and set off to climb West Lomond where they enjoyed the usual extensive views in all directions and their piece break just below the summit cairn.
The intention had been to climb the eastern hill on theirreturn to the cars but first the wind got up then came the rain so a decisionwas made to come off the hill and down to the Stables Café close to the oldFalkland House. After enjoying refreshments, the group walked back through thewoods to the car park.
The next walk will be via car to Crianlarich and then trainto Corrour Station. From the station there are three routes planned to walk andenjoy this remote and beautiful part of the central highlands. The party willreturn to the station to enjoy their pre-booked meal before catching a returntrain to Crianlarich.
The photograph shows members enjoying their lunch breakbelow the summit trig point on West Lomond.
For details of this outing and to learn more about the club and its planned walks and social events for the remainder of the membership year, please visit the website –