Here are our previous walks

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Walk report – Glen Moy. Sunday 29th January 2024

The club’s second outing of the year proved to be a popular one with 23 walkers, including four guests, turning out. As this walk was to a local area transport...

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Glen Prosen to Glen Clova 7th January 2024

At last, Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club was treated to a “blue sky day” for their walk from Glen Prosen to Glen Clova. 23 club members, in three separate groups,...

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Xmas walk 10th December 2023

Traditionally the Christmas walk is relatively straightforward, member’s rucksacks are decorated with festive tinsel and dangly things and everyone looks forward to their walk and to some Christmas food and...

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Pressendye Walk Report

As two walks were cancelled because of storms and flooding, members of Blairgowrie and District hillwalking club were keen to get to get out on the hills in better weather....

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Coastal walk from Elie to Anstruther

It is a very rare occurrence to note that there was virtually no height gained on a BDHC outing, but this was the case on the part of the Fife...

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Corrour and Loch Ossian

Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club had a very successful trip to Loch Ossian, travelling on the West Highland train line from Crianlarich to Corrour station. Perhaps the novelty of travelling...

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Covid-19 update. Issued 14/07/2021

Guidance for hill walkers and climbers in Scotland

**Please note that the information below is the Scottish Government guidance and measures may differ between Scotland and the rest of the...

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Creag Gharbh, Killin

On Sunday, 15th August there was a fair turn out of Members for the Club walk which targeted the "Graham" Creag Gharbh, on the South side of Loch Tay, near...

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Creag Meagaidh

On Sunday 15th May, the Club headed west to Creag Meagaidh for a pleasant day in the hills. Because of various family commitments and ill health the turn out was...

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Dreich day in Glenshee

Because of the severe weather warning for the planned walk in Black Mount, an alternative, more local destination was rearranged nearer home and with the prospect of slightly better weather...

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Dykehead to Clova

25 Members of the Club attended the first walk of 2020 and were treated to unseasonal weather conditions. The forecasted wind speed never materialised, there was virtually no precipitation and...

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Festive Break in Aviemore

14 Members enjoyed a Festive Break in and around Aviemore, 27th-29th December, and stayed in a variety of accommodation outlets in the village for the two nights.

Some members...

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Fife Coastal Walk

On Sunday 20th February there was a good turn out of members for a walk around the North East of Fife on part of the Fife Coastal Path. The walk...

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First walk of 2019. Glen Isla to Glenshee.

The first outing of 2019 proved to be a popular meet with 27 members taking part in this through walk from Glen Isla to Glenshee. After a minor hic-up with...