Here are our previous walks

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Coastal walk from Elie to Anstruther

It is a very rare occurrence to note that there was virtually no height gained on a BDHC outing, but this was the case on the part of the Fife...

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Corrour and Loch Ossian

Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club had a very successful trip to Loch Ossian, travelling on the West Highland train line from Crianlarich to Corrour station. Perhaps the novelty of travelling...

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Weather causes route diversion to Falkland Estate!

The planned walk to Bynack More in the northern Cairngorms had had to be abandoned, a double whammy had conspired against the organisers. Firstly,an unprecedented transport issue closely followed by...

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Beinn Bhreac/Glen Derry

What a day! Wall to wall sunshine most of the time and superb views in every direction. The club enjoyed another good turn-out including some welcome guests. Plastered in sun...

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Glen Shee Meall Uaine

Glen Shee sparkled in winter sunshine and fresh snow as a small group from Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking club made their way steadily from the Spittal of Glen Shee up...

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12 Members from the Club braved the unseasonable May weather and travelled to The Ochil Hills for a Club Walk on Sunday 23rd May. The starting point for the day...

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Glen Tromie

A smaller than normal turnout for our Club walk on Sunday 23rd June, but those who did attend were not disappointed with the walks. Because of parking restrictions at the...

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Ian Cameron

Firstly, can We wish you the compliments of the Season, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you and your families are all well and...

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Ian Cameron - CoViD19 Update

Update to all members of the BLAIRGOWRIE andDISTRICT HILLWALKING CLUB.

Well, who would have predicted this a year ago! We have found ourselves Globally in a position more akin to...

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Linn of Dee

The Club walk to Linn of Dee on Sunday 6th October was well attended and numbers made travel by coach viable to our destination. The forecasted wind and rain was...

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Linn of Dee to Glen Quoich via Clais Fhearnaig

Seventeen members of Blairgowrie and District hillwalking club enjoyed walking on a fine autumn day around Linn of Dee. Disappointingly the weather forecast predicted extreme conditions so instead of tackling...

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Loch Laggan

There was an average turnout for a July walk with better than average weather for the 14 Members who travelled to Loch Laggan for the Sunday walk 14th July. The...

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Loch Leven

On Sunday, 5th September, Club members travelled to Loch Leven for a Low level circular route around the Loch. The walk started at the RSPB centre, Vane Farm, and followed...

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Loch Ordie. 2021 Christmas Walk

On Sunday, 12th Dec. the Club held their annual Christmas walk. Careful consideration and Risk Assessments' were carried out and it was decided to proceed with caution and improved procedures...