Here are our previous walks

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Backwater Reservoir area

As this was local walk the club had opted for transport by car. Two groups, one from Blairgowrie and the other from Alyth, set off to rendezvous at the northernmost...

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Meall Chuaich/East Drumochter

Fourteen members left the Wellmeadow at 8.0am on board a coach courtesy of JP Coaches as per usual, knowing that mountain weather forecast promised rain and high winds for the...

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Linn of Dee to Glen Quoich via Clais Fhearnaig

Seventeen members of Blairgowrie and District hillwalking club enjoyed walking on a fine autumn day around Linn of Dee. Disappointingly the weather forecast predicted extreme conditions so instead of tackling...

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Autumn Weekend - Newton Stewart 16 - 18 September 2022

It had been some years since the club had chosen the SW of Scotland as a weekend venue, the trip was well overdue. The area is comparatively quiet and offers...

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South Glen Clova in January 2023

A total of 23 walkers, including 3 guests, were dropped off by their coach just north of Rottal to begin their selected routes.

The mountain weather forecast had been mixed...

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Spring Weekend 2024, 10-17th May

The club originally planned to travel to Harris again after a ten-year absence but a lack of suitable accommodation meant that Harris’s loss became the Lake District’s gain.

No less...

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Spring Weekend to Ullapool - 12 -14 May

Ullapool – 12th to 14th May and beyond

2023 saw the club move its traditional spring trip for the bank holiday weekend to an earlier date in order to avoid...

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St Fillans, 19th February 2023

All the walks started from the same spot along Loch Earnside, some two Kms west of St. Fillans, taking the track into Glen Tarken on its west side. No fewer...

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Strathpeffer Week-end

The Club Spring weekend was held at Strathpeffer on 30th May to 2nd June and was once again well attended.

The weather over the weekend was changeable with heavy...

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Sunday 2nd June 2024 – Jock’s Road (Glen Clova to Auchallater)

It had been many years since the club had last walked this famous drover’s road over the Mounth. At 22 Kms and with considerable height gain and steep descents, it...

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Super Sunday, Tarfside to Clova

Another Great day out for 18 members and 1 visitor who attended the walk on Sunday 12th May. There were two groups who both started this through walk from Glen...

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Trossachs, Sunday 29th January 2023

It had been a long time since the club had visited the Trossachs so this had been a much anticipated series of walks. A very popular area in summer, the...

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TWIXT 2019 Ballater

The BDHC Twixt meet this year was located in and around the Ballater and Royal Deeside area and was spread over three days, 27th - 29th December. Some of the 16...
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TXIXT Meet Christmas 2021

A smaller than normal group enjoyed the 2021 twixt meet, due to the uncertainty surrounding travel and accommodation for this Annual event. The destination was Aviemore and the two main...